I love everything about farmers’ markets, all of the amazing produce, supporting small local businesses and farms, fresh blooms, happy shoppers but I rarely shop at farmers’ markets because they aren’t quite as convenient as running quickly to my local Trader Joes.

You sort of need to be the type of person that’s really good at planning your meals (some weeks that’s totally me, recently I’ve been cooking day to day depending on what I’m craving) because most farmers markets are on the weekends. But now I have no room for excuses because this amazing service called GrubMarket exists!
GrubMarket is an amazing service that delivers local organic farm-fresh produce straight to your door! I’m hooked on it! Have any of you ever tried this before?! Each week, for the last two weeks, I’ve received a delivery filled with the sweetest and ripest fruits and the greenest veggies! I’ve never had a sweeter orange in my life!

GrubMarket’s Farmbox takes the guesswork out of figuring out what’s in season and what’s ripe, they pick it for you and surprise you with a beautiful array of local organic produce! GrubMarket is available in all continental United States, so almost everyone can take advantage of this amazing service! Scroll to the bottom of the post for an amazing discount code on your first order!
Over the years, during my journey, I’ve been learning more and more about where my food comes from and how it’s harvested and grown, are they using organic soil, is it GMO, is farm fresh, etc. These things are really important when it comes to our bodies we only have one and we need to treat it like that!
With GrubMarket you know you are not only supporting local farmers and eating local farm-fresh foods but you know you are getting the best organic produce and the freshest, non-GMO, grown produce! You’re also helping to reduce food waste, which recently has become super important to me, but I’ll save that for another post!

Another awesome perk, you get produce you may never have tried before (hello fava beans and purple radishes) and it pushes you to get creative in the kitchen, which is my favorite! They also provide recipes and more info on the produce and how to keep it so it stays super fresh! Great produce, great prices, less food waste, amazing info, and recipes, what’s not to love!
Have you tried a local organic farm fresh delivery before?! Share your favorite thing about getting your deliveries below! Also if you have any good recipes for fresh Fava Beans please share, as I’ve never cooked with them before! GrubMarket suggests grilling them but I don’t have a grill at my house! Thinking of making a dip or cooking and smashing them on toast with burrata! Decisions, Decisions!

From my super overflowing fridge to yours! Please visit GrubMarket's website and use code BRITTTY20 to get 20% off your first GrubMarket box of fruits and veggies (known as a Farmbox!).