It’s time for my second installment of Currently Crushing On! If you missed my first one, don’t worry you can catch up (here!), but I’m sharing my current obsessions with all of you and telling you why they are so amazing! I always love reading about what other people are loving so I truly hope you enjoy these posts! Okay, let’s get into my current end of summer and beginning of fall favorites!
Currently Crushing
M A D E W E L L J E A N S // If you follow me on Instagram (if you don’t come to hang out with us, it’s fun, I promise) you saw my post about these jeans (shop them here) but literally I can not stress this enough but they are the most flattering jeans I’ve ever worn! They are SUPER high wasted (high 10-inch high waste, I love you) and have a button closure and fun ragged hems. And they literally look amazing on all shapes and sizes. My sister, Kelsey, found these gems and once I saw them on her I HAD to try them on, and then I almost left the store wearing them, I was so madly in love! This is my first pair of Madewell jeans but I already know I’ll be back for more! If you are also a Madewell lover, tell me the next pair I need to try on! Share below in the comments!

Y O U T U B E // I’ve been talking about starting a youtube channel (check it out here) for so so so long. A few years ago I became obsessed with watching makeup tutorials on youtube and fell in love with the platform but was way too unfamiliar with video to ever try to use it myself. I’ve had so much fun though getting out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to do video and edit video, it’s been fun but challenging at the same time. But I just love learning new skills. I hope you will check out my channel and subscribe if you have a moment! I’d love to know what type of content you’d like to see on there!

C R E S T 3 D W H I T E W H I T E N I N G T H E R A P Y C O L L E C T I O N // I’ve been testing out the new Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy Collection recently and the collection offers two whitening pastes with great health and beauty benefits. Both pastes, Enamel Care and Sensitivity Care, nourish teeth to strengthen enamel while whitening, while Sensitivity Care has added ingredients to help soothe sensitivity, which I love because most whitening pastes cause sensitivity pain for me! I’ve been using Sensitivity Care the last few days and I had to add it to this list of obsessions because it’s been truly amazing! Not only has it helped whiten my teeth but it’s also helping to repair my weakened enamel. Now I can put that old saying of “beauty is pain” out the window because Crest has created a product that allows me to not have to choose between health and beauty but instead have both! And the best part of all of this, it’s sold at Target! So grab it next time you’re in the store and try it out and let me know what you think! So far, I’m really loving it and so are my teeth, haha!

N E W V I T A L P R O T E I N S F L A V O R S // Still over here obsessed with anything and everything collagen. Vital Proteins sent me a few of their new flavors, and I’ve been loving them so much. I’ve been switching up my smoothies recently and having these flavors has made it fun to experiment with. Have you guys tried any of these flavors?? What’s your favorite one?! Also, how cute is that MUG, my fav!!

B A R E F O O T B L O N D E H A I R E X T E N S I O N S // I had been wanting clip-in extensions for a long long long time and one of my favorite bloggers, Amber Fillerup @amberfillerup, finally created her own line and I knew it was meant to be. But I still waited a really long time to purchase them, since they cost a pretty penny ($200!) but I figured if I wore them 200 hundred times it would be a $1 a time (does anyone else do this when they buy something expensive that they really don’t need but want so badly?!) I’ve only worn them a handful of times so far but they match my hair like perfectly, it’s pretty crazy. When I have most of them in they are definitely heavy but they do not feel like they would fall out or anything like that! I’m still learning how to style them and use them but they are so much fun!

U L T R A B O O S T X // I fell in love with these on complete accident. I was shopping at Nordstrom and asked for another pair of Adidas shoes to try on and the salesperson (my sister, Haley) brought me these all-white Ultraboost X (shop them here) and I was in heaven as soon as I put one on. I had obviously heard so many people rave about these shoes so I was excited to see that they actually live up to the hype! I went with the all-white pair because they will go with absolutely every workout legging I own, now to keep them looking just as fresh as when I tried them on…

What are YOU crushing hard on? I would love to hear. Share with me below!
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