Last week I posted a few tips for Yoga Beginners on my IG stories which received a great response so I wanted to create a full blog post dedicated to the topic. Yoga holds such a special place in my heart and I’m so excited to share these tips to help anyone who is thinking about starting a yoga practice actually get started!
Yoga helps calm and center my mind and body and it helps me feel more connected in all ways and I’m so excited to share my love of yoga with all of you. I totally remember being super intimidated when starting my yoga practice. I felt like I was going to be the only one that had never done yoga in my life before, but hey we all have to start somewhere. I know it may seem scary to start but once you try it you’ll have yourself wondering why you waited so long!
Today I’m sharing a few tips for anyone who has never tried yoga but wants to start! Below are my 5 tips for beginner yogis so you can get on your mat and start flowing!

Find a Studio with a Beginner Yoga Class Option
Most studios offer a beginner class — that’s where I would start! I believe going to a studio when beginning a yoga practice is very important as the teacher can help you with any alignment in the postures. When you first begin your practice the poses and postures may feel very foreign to you and your body but as you spend more time on your mat you will be able to feel your body moving into correct alignment instead of depending on mirrors to assist you.
Talk to Your Teacher
Tell them you’re new and excited to learn they will be excited to teach you, I promise you. Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions, yoga is all about teaching, learning, and exploring!
Think of Yoga as a Tool
Yoga is here to enhance your life even if it’s only 10 minutes a day. Yoga helps with flexibility, strength, and with learning how to feel connected mind, body, and soul! So if you’re having a bit of trouble enjoying yoga at first think of all the many benefits you’re receiving from the practice.
Leave any Comparison at the Door
Keep your eyes on your own mat and focus only on yourself. The room you’re in will be filled with people who are all in completely different places in their practice. Yoga is a very personal practice and one that doesn’t have any room for comparison or judgment. Go in with an open heart and mind and go with the flow!
Dress the Part
Yoga is truly about body alignment and to be able to see if your body is in alignment when you’re first starting out it’s helpful to wear form-fitting clothing, like full-length yoga pants, a sports bra, and/or a tank top. I get asked all the time about my favorite brands and honestly, I have so many (I’ve recently been loving my Jockey athleisure) but your best bet is to wear something you feel comfortable and confident in and that you can easily move around in without having to adjust your outfit constantly. The fewer distractions you have the better in yoga.

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I hope you found these little tips helpful and motivating to begin a yoga practice! The most important thing to remember when starting is to have fun with it! Namaste.