When I was in my Yoga Teacher Training this summer one of the first things we did in our sessions was a 60-minute blindfolded class. Yes, our sight was completely removed and we had to depend on our bodies to help us through the flow, not our eyes. I was reminded of this so much recently when I took a new yoga class at a studio that I had never been to before. I walked into the room and it had absolutely no mirrors and we practiced in near darkness, only a few candles for some light. Then to top everything off we were asked to do quite a few hard transitions that involved so many balancing postures. I was fumbling and falling during every single movement trying desperately to find and activate my muscles and not wipe out. It was as though my muscles forgot how to activate just because my beloved mirrors weren’t there! It’s funny to think about how dependent we become on certain things without realizing it.


This inspired my blog post today in every way. Together we can cultivate a little more balance and stability with these four postures below featuring the softest, most flattering yoga outfit ever from Athleta. This post is brought to you by Athleta and I’m so excited to be partnering with them again (if you missed my last post about their Powervita pants check it out here) to share my tips and tricks for maintaining a balanced lifestyle on and off the mat! Athleta’s clothes help me to feel confident, even when I’m wobbling in and out of postures!

I’m wearing the Mesh Shine Salutation 7/8 Tight in Dusty Plum and the Power Up Tee in Black (see below!) and the Funnel Fleece in Light Grey Heather (so warm and cozy!) this outfit is great for the cooler weather that will be coming up. I can keep my cool during my hot yoga practice with the mesh tights and when I head back outside and throw on the amazing fleece I’ll stay nice and warm!

4 Yoga Postures for Balance + Stability | FittyBritttty.com

4 Postures to Cultivate Balance and Stability On and Off the Mat


Eagle Pose | Garudasana

To be able to hold eagle pose you definitely need a ton of balance but you also need clothes that move with you and not against you. You need to feel strong, have endurance, and unwavering concentration. You don’t need any distractions or worries about your pants falling down! Thankfully, these Powervita leggings have you covered. Now to just work on that unwavering concentration and balance part. The easiest way for me to stay in this pose is to focus on my breath, the in and the out. This is also an amazing tip for maintaining a balanced lifestyle off the mat as well. When you feel unbalanced in life, taking a few moments to listen to your breath and to come into yourself can be super beneficial.


4 Yoga Postures for Balance + Stability | FittyBritttty.com

Tree Pose | Vrksasana

Most of us have two strong, capable legs, but what happens when you go to stand on just one of your legs? Do you feel unbalanced or wobbly or do you feel just as powerful standing on one leg as you do on two? Tree pose is one of those postures that looks easier than it is some days. My biggest tip for this one, engage your core muscles, and then relax into the posture. We spend our days running around super tense and tight and worried. This posture is amazing for grounding down and calming down as well. I pop into tree pose when I need to concentrate. Something about having to stand on one leg helps build my concentration and when I come out of it I’m able to sit down and focus on the task at hand.

4 Yoga Postures for Balance + Stability | FittyBritttty.com

Dancers Pose | Natarajasana

This pose is not only beautiful but it has amazing benefits and can help with balance and stability but also can bring you some insane energy. Sometimes being balanced is taking a look at your life to see how it’s balanced around you. Do you spend too much time on your phone and not enough time connecting with people in real life? Or maybe you’re on the opposite spectrum and you spend all your free time with lots of people and never spend time alone learning about yourself. Either way, this posture will help you find that balance within your life. You may lean one way or the other some of the time but before falling down and out you may just find that perfect balance between the two and be able to continue on, holding on with each breath. Take that grit and determination with you when you leave your mat into your everyday life.

4 Yoga Postures for Balance + Stability | FittyBritttty.com

Warrior III Variation Pose

This pose is a full body balancing act. Not only will you challenge yourself on the mat with this but if you can make it through this posture, I’m pretty sure you can make it through anything life throws your way. I still constantly struggle with this posture and some days I’m super grounded, connected to my deep core muscles, and feeling strong but other days my big toe won’t stay down, my standing knee locks out, and my hips are all out of wack and opening up. This pose teaches me so much about my body and how being resilient is one hundred percent worth it. I fall out of this posture all the time but getting back into it every time makes me a true warrior on and off the mat. Just because you get knocked down doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand right back up and keep fighting. Fight for your alignment and balance on the mat just as much as you would fight for it in your life off the mat!

4 Yoga Postures for Balance + Stability | FittyBritttty.com

Here's to becoming more balanced and stable on and off the mat and looking damn cute while doing so! How many of you have tried Athleta workout clothes?! I would love to know your favorite styles below!


This post is sponsored by Athleta. Sponsored posts help fund the work I do here on Fittybritttty.com at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your constant love & support! As always, all opinions are my own!