Most of you know that I started 2018 with my first ever round of Whole30! If you didn’t know or haven’t had the chance to read my Whole30 review blog post head over right now to read it here and let me tell you it’s long but it’s such a good read if you’re considering doing the program! Most of you should also know that I have a serious addiction to coffee and on the Whole30 program you have to get a little creative to stay compliant and still enjoy a delicious cup of coffee!

I don’t think there will ever be a time in my life where I’ll truly enjoy black coffee. I’m here for the add-ins! But I’ve found a way to make a delicious latte like coffee with only four ingredients and all of them are Whole30 compliant and I truly look forward to this every single morning.
If you missed my previous posts about why I love collagen coffee and why I drink collagen then make sure to check them out here and here. It also gives a slightly different recipe, if you’re not trying to stick to Whole30!

And for those wondering, I’m not currently doing a round of Whole30 at the moment but I still enjoy this every day as my breakfast. The collagen and cashews add in protein and I’m getting amazing benefits from the fat in the coconut butter and the cashews and the dates add a dash of natural sweetness!
And if you’re wondering about the cashew part of this recipe, it came out of pure laziness and not wanting to waste my homemade cashew milk! So instead of making a batch of cashew milk to use in my coffee I just add the raw cashews into my Vitamix and the hot coffee is hot enough to have the cashews combine perfectly into a smooth creamy consistency! It truly is magic, I promise!

Whole30 Approved Creamy Cashew Collagen Coffee
– 8-12 ounces of freshly brewed hot coffee (I use a Nespresso pod)
– 1 scoop unflavored collagen peptides (I love this one and this one)
– 8-10 raw organic cashews (most other nuts will be too hard to combine properly, cashews are a softer nut and that’s why they work perfectly in this recipe!)
– 1 tbsp coconut butter, melted
– 1-2 organic fresh dates (I buy mine from my local farmers market), pits removed
Method: Brew coffee, set aside. Add in the rest of the ingredients into a high powered blender, such as a Vitamix or Blendtec. Pour in the hot brewed coffee, close the lid of the blender and blend on high for 1 minute. Pour immediately and enjoy it!

So easy, so delicious, and totally Whole30 approved. And a great breakfast on the go that is filled with protein, healthy fats, and caffeine, what more could you ask for?!